Monday, December 15, 2014

My Future Vision

My Future Hopes, Dreams, and Desires Designed By: Cheyanne L. ©2014

My career choice has changed since I last created this piece. When I first envisioned this I had planned to become a Forensic Behavior Analysis (a profiler), but now that I have actually been looking into it I have decided that I would rather be a Marital Therapist or a Social Psychologist. Yes, being involved with the government would be interesting but the more I find out about the government the more I don't like it; therefore, I would rather work with the people that need the help. Instead of them looking at me as an authoritative person, they can glance at me and know i am someone there to help them when they need or want it.

I've looked at the contents of my artwork and I see happiness. My happiness here would be the beautiful bursts of all emotions that come with life. Along with this I see, green, alive forests with running fresh water, this makes me happy because nature itself is a wonderful thing and when I see what this earth is able to produce, and it isn't ruined by it's inhabitants,it makes me happy. Not to forget, the feelings of joy that come from the possibilities of living in a splendid home with my future family, that makes me feel great inside.

As of now I work along side of my schooling in order to one learn basic skills such as hygiene, communications, and networking; I am able to do this as a nanny/house keeper (nurse maid). Of course I don't plan to do this forever, I hope to attend school at Pierce Junior College out in Northridge in order to get my general education out of the way. From there, I plan to transfer into Cal State University of Northridge (CSUN) to go on furthering my plans to become a Psychologist. I will do this by majoring in psychology, and minoring in behavior analysis. on top of this I will keep myself busy as I volunteer at local hospitals or offer my services as an intern at various therapists' clinics. This is how I will obtain skill and knowhow in the way a therapist gains access to his or her own workplace; along with how to deal with certain cases in the process. If i must afterward to get my masters I will transfer again into a school of mastery and get my masters there, but until then this is what I have. For some time now this is what I had imagined I would do and now that it is actually happening, the feeling is wonderful. I am excited to go to school, because I know I will meet people there with the same goals, ambitions, and possibly even the same plans as I have, and this excites me.

When I am old and grey I will be a successful mother. I would hope to live in a beautiful home, husband at my side, with my children's children surrounding me; smiles abundant and full of laughter. I plan for there never to be a dull moment, never to cease in warmth, never for the evils that surround us to consume me nor my family. I plan to be able to look back in my life and to be able to remember all that has happened to me and to be able to smile because I will know that I have made the best of all of my situations. That's what I am going to do when I am old and grey.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you to those of you who took their time to read and comment of my post.
